Your bimonthly intake of AI, machine learning and bots is here!
Your bimonthly intake of AI, machine learning and bots is here!

Hello hello!

Don't panic. This is still the same newsletter, I'm still me. We just updated the design to make it sleeker and easier to read!

Without further ado, let's dive into AI for medecine, sound recognition models and bot building!

Justine - Recast.AI team

Your light in the storm

Modules, are you faster than your shadows?

As a developer, should you use modules or code this bit of feature by yourself? Let's find out.

SoundNet - Learning sound representations from unlabeled video

With a deep convolutional network created for sound recognition, the model recognizes objects and scenes only from sounds.

Three challenges for artificial intelligence in medicine

Brandon Ballinger takes us back in time with an historic of AI in medecine and where it could today make a difference.

How to choose the best channel for your bot: the ultimate cheat sheet

Bot channels do not offer the same features: here’s an analysis of a few to help you figure everything out.

So many big words in a booming market, let's take a step back and redefine which is what, and which does what.

Artificial intelligence, machine learning, neural networks: how can they be used with chatbots? What does the future hold?

Natural language powered interfaces are taking the world by storm, and we can't help but wonder how they'll change the way we deliver, read and share content.